Using cykdtree

From Python

The cykdtree package provides a python interface to a C++ kdtree implementation. The primary interface to cykdtree is the PyKDTree class:

from cykdtree import PyKDTree
import numpy as np

# Randomly generate a million particle positions
positions = np.random.random((int(1e6), 3))

# Initialize PyKDTree object
tree = PyKDTree(
    left_edge=np.array([0., 0., 0.]),
    right_edge=np.array([1., 1., 1.]),
    periodic=np.array([True, True, True]),

# Working with the tree
print("The number of tree leaves is %i" % len(tree.leaves))
node = tree.get(np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))
print("The KDTree node containing the point [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] is:\n%s" % node)
print("The KDTree IDs of that node's neighbors:\n%s" % node.neighbors)

This should print the following output:

The number of tree leaves is 65536

The KDTree node containing the point [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] is:
PyNode(id=22235, npts=15, start_idx=339280, stop_idx=339295,
       left_edge=[ 0.49900133  0.47859409  0.466449  ],
       right_edge=[ 0.52928342  0.50126165  0.50050787])

The KDTree IDs of that node's neighbors:
[8190, 8191, 13778, 13783, 22232, 22233, 22234, 22235, 22236, 22237, 22238, 22239, 26816, 26824, 26825, 26826, 26827, 39773, 43589, 53828, 53829]

One can think of the KDTree as a spatially sorted list of particles. These sorted indices are stored in the idx attribute of the PyKDTree. One can use idx and the slice attribute of a PyNode instance to find the positions of the particles contained in that node:

node_particle_positions = positions[tree.idx[node.slice]]

This should print the positions of all of the particles contained in the KDTree node we selected earlier.

From Cython

This is a bit more cumbersome, as your C++ compiler will need to be able to find the cykdtree headers when it builds your code. The most straightforward way to get this working is to integrate cykdtree into your script:

ex = Extension("my_cython_cykdtree_wrapper",
               include_dirs=[numpy.get_include, cykdtree.get_include()])

This will allow you to write Cython code that cimports code from cykdtree.